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螢光筆 | 麥克筆 | 記號筆 | 訂造螢光筆

5267 - 螢光筆套裝


英格蘭及威爾士特許會計師協會(The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, 簡稱ICAEW)成立於1880年,是由當時倫敦、利物浦、曼徹斯特和謝菲爾德的6家地方性會計師組織合併組成的,總部位於英國倫敦,併在英格蘭和威爾士地區設有10個地方辦公室,負責支持協會22個地區分會的工作。ICAEW是歐洲最大的會計行業組織,目前擁有超過128,000名會員,主要分佈在事務所、商業和公共部門中,其中16,000左右的會員在國外工作和生活,此外還有9,000名左右的學員。同時,ICAEW也是英國會計職業團體咨詢委員會(CCAB)六個成員中最大的一個。
ICAEW chose the Gel Highlighter Set as a promotional gift. The Gel Highlighter Set contains three different colors of highlighters, which is bright and beautiful, and it is very suitable for students and office staff to make important points. On the one hand, the precise matching of the pen cap and the pen body can not only prevent the evaporation of ink and prolong the service life of the highlighters, but also prevent from the breakage and smudge. On the other hand, the penholder is straight so that the writing is more smoothly and the ink is more fluid. The Gel Highlighter Set is small and exquisite and it is easy to carry. You can print company LOGO on the pen box, as a novel and unique business gift.
